Academics Adminstration
प्रो. नारायणन डी कुरुर संकायाध्यक्ष, शैक्षिक भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान दिल्ली फोन.:+91-11-2659 1708(का.), ई-मेल:deanacad[at] |
प्रो. एस. चटर्जी सह संकायाध्यक्ष, पाठ्यचर्या भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान दिल्ली फोन.:+91-11-2659 1708(का.) ई-मेल:adcur[at] |
प्रो. सी. टी. धन्या सह संकायाध्यक्ष, स्नातकोत्तर अनुसंधान भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान दिल्ली फोन.:+91-11-26591708 (का.) ई-मेल:adres[at] |
प्रो. सुबोध वी शर्मा सह संकायाध्यक्ष, अकादमिक आउटरीच और नई पहल भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान दिल्ली फोन.:+91-11-2659 ----(का.) ई-मेल:--[at] |
एलन वी सीनाटे डिप्टी कुलसचिव (स्नातकोत्तर अध्ययन एवं अनुसंधान) भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान, दिल्ली हौज़ खास, नई दिल्ली-110 016, भारत दूरभाषः -91-11-2659 1737 (कार्यालय) ई-मेलः |
श्री सुरेश कुमार गौहर सहायक कुलसचिव (स्नातक पूर्व अध्ययन) भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान दिल्ली हौज़ खास, नई दिल्ली-110 016, भारत रभाषः - 91-11-2659 1718 (कार्यालय) ई-मेलः> |
M.TECH. (High Value Assistantship) and M.S.(Research) Programmes
The minimum duration of M.S.(R) programmes is 4 semesters (24 months) for full time students and 6 semesters (36 months) for part time students. The minimum credit requirement for the M.S.(R) degree is 60 credits including thesis.
M.Tech.(High Value Assistantship) is a three years programme. The student has to devote 20 hrs. per week in departmental laboratories.
M.Tech. and M.S.(R) programmes mainly differ in the fraction of course and project/thesis credits. M.Tech. progarmmes have two-thirds of the credits for the course work while MS(R) programmes have two-thirds of the credits for the thesis component.
Flexibility of movement: Very recently, IIT Delhi has adopted major changes in its rules and regulations. These changes enable easy mobility of students from M.Tech. to PhD, M.Tech to MS(R), MS(R) to M.Tech. and MS(R) to PhD. With these changes, it is now possible for a student to join M.Tech./MS (R) at IIT Delhi and then they can apply for change to a research programme if they feel confident. In this process save considerable amount of time to complete Ph.D.
Admission schedule: Normally, M.Tech.(High Value Assistantship)/MS(R) programmes are advertised in the month of March/October each year in the Employment news as well as in leading newspapers and admissions are carried out in the month of May/December. Further, just like Ph.D, admission, admission to MS(R) programmes is also possible at any time in the year through DRC/CRC/PEC. They can be admitted to the institute at any time of the year, though the course registration in such cases will be possible only at the beginning of the subsequent semester. Such candidates must also fulfill the required academic qualifications /experience at the time of interview. They must join the institute within 4 weeks after the issue of admission offer unless specifically permitted otherwise. Admission is subject to vacancy being available in the relevant specializations.
Part-Time programmes: IIT Delhi offers most of its MS(R) programmes in the part-time mode for working professionals. They are expected to complete their credit requirements in six semesters (maximum of ten semesters) by registering for a lower load than full-time students in each semester. Departments /Centres offer most of the core courses between 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM to enable these working professions to attend classes as well as continue with their full-time employment. Please note it may not always be feasible to slot all courses of the programme in the morning and those candidates applying for part-time programmes should be flexible to take courses at other times if required.