Academics Adminstration
प्रो. नारायणन डी कुरुर संकायाध्यक्ष, शैक्षिक भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान दिल्ली फोन.:+91-11-2659 1708(का.), ई-मेल:deanacad[at] |
प्रो. एस. चटर्जी सह संकायाध्यक्ष, पाठ्यचर्या भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान दिल्ली फोन.:+91-11-2659 1708(का.) ई-मेल:adcur[at] |
प्रो. सी. टी. धन्या सह संकायाध्यक्ष, स्नातकोत्तर अनुसंधान भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान दिल्ली फोन.:+91-11-26591708 (का.) ई-मेल:adres[at] |
प्रो. सुबोध वी शर्मा सह संकायाध्यक्ष, अकादमिक आउटरीच और नई पहल भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान दिल्ली फोन.:+91-11-2659 ----(का.) ई-मेल:--[at] |
एलन वी सीनाटे डिप्टी कुलसचिव (स्नातकोत्तर अध्ययन एवं अनुसंधान) भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान, दिल्ली हौज़ खास, नई दिल्ली-110 016, भारत दूरभाषः -91-11-2659 1737 (कार्यालय) ई-मेलः |
श्री सुरेश कुमार गौहर सहायक कुलसचिव (स्नातक पूर्व अध्ययन) भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान दिल्ली हौज़ खास, नई दिल्ली-110 016, भारत रभाषः - 91-11-2659 1718 (कार्यालय) ई-मेलः> |
PhD Programme
The award of the Ph.D. degree is in recognition of high achievements, independent research and application of scientific knowledge to the solution of technical and scientific problems. Creative and productive inquiry is the basic concept underlying the research work. The details of research programmes in various Departments/Centres/Schools.
Course work and other academic requirements: In order to overcome any deficiency in the breadth of fundamental training or proper foundation for advanced work, special make up or pre-doctoral courses are given by each Department/ Centre. These courses are given either by faculty member or by guest speakers and specialists in the profession. Normally candidates having a B.Tech./M.Sc./M.A. or equivalent degree are required to complete a minimum of 12* credits with a minimum required GPA of 7.5. M.Tech or equivalent degree holders are required to complete a minimum of 6* credits with a minimum required GPA of 7.5.
*A Department/Centre may specify a higher credit requirement for all their PhD programmes and/or require an individual scholar to complete a larger number of credits based on his/her background and preparation level.
Admission to the PhD Programmes: Admission to the Ph.D. programmes is normally made on the basis of an interview conducted by the Department/Centre concerned through its Department Research Committee (DRC) / Centre Research Committee (CRC). DRC/CRC may decide to conduct a written test as well to screen the candidates. Applications are invited from candidates by advertising the programmes in Employment News/leading newspapers in March for the first semester and in October for the second semester every year.
Admission schedule: Normally, Ph.D. programmes are advertised in the month of March and October each year in the Employment news as well as in leading newspapers and admissions are carried out in the months of May and December. Further, admission to Ph.D programme is possible any time in the year through DRC/CRC. Ph.D. scholars can join the institute at any time of the year though the course registration will be possible only at the beginning of the subsequent semester. Such candidates must also fulfill the required academic qualification/ experience at the time of interview. They must join the institute within 4 weeks after the issue of admission offer unless specifically permitted otherwise. Admission is subject to vacancy being available in the relevant specializations.
Duration of the programmes: Minimum period of registration required for students with M.Tech. or equivalent qualifications is 2 years whereas those with B.Tech. or equivalent qualifications is 3 years. All candidates are allowed a maximum of 7 years for submission of their thesis.